Saturday September 11 marked the first excursion of the hiking club. A group of 11 brave souls set off on a trek that they will surely all remember for a very long time.
We headed north along the bike path that is right by the school, headed past ABB stadium and then again continue
d our northward progress. Our hike lead us through a very neat little Colonyplot and we got to see many beautiful sights that are

hidden in the remote swedish country side. The Hike lasted from about 10am to 6pm and we covered a distance of approximately 23km. Rain was forecast for the whole day, but we got very lucky and it only rained just a little mist for a while. After a long day of lively conversation and lovely scenery we finished our journey at a church, where we caught a bus back to Vasteras. The journey was a great success and the next trip will be one that you certainly don't want to miss.

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